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+34 744 75 06 39

Ecological and Sustainable Design

Transform Your Garden into a Living Ecosystem

Our ecological methods ensure that your garden is not only beautiful but also healthy and sustainable in the long term.


quality and commitment

Libélula en una rama
Trabajador de invernadero masculino inspeccionando el crecimiento de un árbol
Who are we?

Gardens that Breathe Life

We are a young company from Málaga born out of the desire to transform domestic garden spaces into naturalized areas, mimicking the conditions that allow plants to thrive unaided in the wild.

We understand the garden as a small ecosystem composed of flora, fauna, and microorganisms that interact with each other and are “dressed” with architectural or landscaping elements such as paths, furniture, water features, etc., adding functionality and allowing humans to interact with the garden in a controlled manner.

In a garden, the cultivated plant is as important as the soil bacteria that nourish its roots, the caterpillars that feed on its leaves and later become fluttering butterflies, and the birds that come to eat them.

Natural Design

Natural Life

Why Choose Us?

Living and Natural Gardens

Metaphorically, we can say that the garden ecosystem is a nymph, like the Greek deities of the groves. In simple gardens with few species, this nymph is merely a larva, very basic and incapable of action. In gardens with sufficient complexity, the nymph unleashes its potential and acts to protect itself from aggressions and to thrive.

We can awaken its potential by adding elements that positively interact with each other. Each awakened nymph adapts to local conditions and develops its own personality. Likewise, we develop our personalities when we interact directly with a daughter of Nature.

The goal of every ecological gardener is to fill gardens with life. Life comes to the garden through photosynthesis, which combines sunlight with water to produce oxygen and nutrients. Maximizing photosynthesis is maximizing life, achieved by using all available moisture and light for the benefit of the vegetation. Under its shelter, everything else thrives.

Acolchado con broza picada en base de árbol

Any questions?

+34 744 75 06 39


Awaken the Garden's Personality

We design, install, and maintain gardens that thrive in harmony with nature. Our services range from innovative design to detailed installation and ecological maintenance, ensuring that each green space becomes an oasis of biodiversity and natural beauty.

Ecological cultivationEcological cultivation mimics the natural way plants feed by activating the Soil Food Web. We incorporate abundant organic matter, protect the soil with growing plants, and reduce evapotranspiration. To support pollinators, we maintain the blooming of melliferous plants year-round and create diverse habitats. This regenerative method reuses pruning and clearing residues to nourish the soil’s microbial base. We do not use pesticides, synthetic products, or genetically modified organisms. We use minimal machinery, reducing fossil fuel use and noise disturbances.
Shredded MaterialsTo accelerate the natural composting process and improve the aesthetics of the ecological garden, pruning and clearing residues are shredded before being used as mulch or in the compost pile, when it can be placed in the garden. This way, both the nutrients and the beneficial microorganisms already adapted to the garden conditions are preserved. This method not only enriches the soil but also helps to retain moisture and control weeds, creating a healthier and more sustainable environment for all plants. Additionally, it reduces the amount of green waste sent to landfills, contributing to more ecological waste management.
Adaptation to Climate ChangePlants adapt in various ways: genetically, by producing seeds that survive better; and through growth, adjusting to the environment from a young age. They also establish relationships with adapted organisms. For an adaptable garden, we use species with genetic diversity that evolve from the beginning. If this is not possible, we use young cultivars to adapt quickly. Additionally, we select native and drought-resistant plants capable of thriving in extreme conditions. We implement cultivation techniques that promote water retention and reduce evaporation through mulching and ground cover.
Selective ClearingIn their natural state, plants are not cleared as the undergrowth serves an ecological function. For aesthetic and practical reasons, clearing is sometimes necessary in gardens: to allow passage, to provide more light to other plants, to reduce fire risk, etc. Selective clearing seeks a balance between ecological needs and human comfort, cutting only the minimum necessary to achieve an aesthetic and functional result. Additionally, local wildlife is considered, ensuring that clearing does not negatively impact animal habitats. This method promotes a healthier and more sustainable garden environment.
Respectful PruningEach cut made to a tree shortens its life and stresses it, reducing its resistance and potentially causing diseases. Respectful pruning allows the tree to decide for itself the structure that will best adapt to its environment, and pruning is only done when there is a good reason: to allow passage, prevent rubbing, or remove dead wood. This careful approach helps maintain the overall health and longevity of the tree, promoting natural and balanced growth. Additionally, it fosters a more biodiverse and sustainable environment.
Xeriscaping“Dry gardens” consist of at least 80% drought-tolerant plants that rely solely on rainwater. If an irrigated area is included, plants are grouped according to their water needs to avoid overwatering. We use plants adapted to the climate and rainfall patterns. In our semi-arid climate, grass should not occupy more than 5% of the garden due to its high water demand. Alternatives like low-water meadows or mulching can achieve a similar appearance with less water.
Mediterranean GardensThe most rewarding garden is one adapted to the local climate. In our Mediterranean climate, we can choose native species or those from other Mediterranean regions, with South African plants being particularly popular. The Mediterranean garden is green-grey, with hard leaves, a vertical habit, highly fragrant, and featuring frequent but not dense shade. Low hedges and aromatic borders along the paths are common, where the touch as you pass brings the scent of summer.

Discover how we work on gardens

Jardín acolchado

Garden in a drought-affected area

Installation of a deep drip irrigation system.

Suelo para flores en pendiente

Flower bed on a slope

Tilling with organic matter and no-till terraced beds.

Red alimentaria del suelo

We care for your environment

Respect for Life

When a plant or animal appears in an unexpected place, it is Nature placing it there. If this gift is not desired or we find no use for it, we choose to negotiate and find a suitable replacement, but we never reject it. For this reason, at La Ninfa Jardines Vivos, we do not use any type of pesticides. We control pests by balancing the ecosystem, such as planting grasses to absorb excess nitrogen and reduce aphids.

At La Ninfa Living Gardens, we believe that every element of nature has its place and purpose. We promote a sustainable gardening approach, fostering biodiversity and creating green spaces where all living beings can coexist in harmony. We are dedicated to finding natural and responsible solutions to maintain the health and beauty of your gardens.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about our services or would like to receive a quote, you can contact us without obligation.





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